Kayla Jara
Program Coordinator - GCE4All Research Center
Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
Kayla Jara
Program Coordinator - GCE4All Research Center
Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
Kayla earned her Ph.D. from Oregon State University's Biochemistry & Biophysics department in June 2022. As an alumni of Elisar Barbar's lab, Kayla is well versed in using biophysical techniques to explore protein structure and protein-protein interactions. As Program Coordinator of the GCE4All Research Center, Kayla functions as a communication and operations hub, connecting the technology development and community engagement cores of the center, as well as working with outside stakeholders.
Ph.D. 2022, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Oregon State University
B.S 2017, Biochemistry, University of Northern Colorado