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Biochemistry and Biophysics outreach efforts 2023-24

Biochemistry and Biophysics outreach efforts 2023-24

The Biochemistry and Biophysics Department uplifted many communities through science outreach in the 2023-2024 academic year.

The department held the Women Leaders in STEM: Challenges and Rewards workshop, which recognized women’s experience in science. Additionally, several department volunteers promoted the field during K-12 events such as career days, summer camps and organized, hands-on fruit fly activities.

Graduate students presented at symposiums and conferences on both BB topics and advice for students, such as a “Demystifying Graduate School” panel. The GCE4ALL Center housed on campus also hosted a conference and workshop.

A significant effort was made to engage non-college students in the field. Whether providing activities to touring high school students interested in STEM or involving them in research projects, the department sought to broaden access to science beyond the university.

Through a year’s worth of outreach, the Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry successfully promoted science on many fronts. Its impact will continue into the next year with more community engagement on the horizon.