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Four people stand together at an awards ceremony for the College of Science.
Alumni and Friends

Alumni Awards celebrates in impactful legacies and achievements

The College of Science community recently gathered to celebrate this year's Alumni Award recipients. These individuals have enriched many lives through their professional achievements, impact and service. They embody our vision to extend the reach and impact of science by improving life for the people of Oregon and beyond.

Jonathan Gallion smiles and celebrates his 2024 Early Career Award.
Alumni and Friends

Early Career Award winner leverages AI to revolutionize the life sciences industry

Life scientist Jonathan Gallion (B.S. '12) is vice president of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) for OmniScience, a leading AI organization focused in life sciences and clinical research. After driving major breakthroughs in life sciences for only a little more than a decade, the College of Science is proud to honor him with the 2024 Early Career Award.

A man with a beard stands in a denim jacket with autumn colored trees in the background.
Alumni and Friends

Biochemistry and biophysics alumnus gives undergrads unexpected career advice

Kyle Ireton (Biochemistry & Biophysics, ‘12) has unconventional advice for students following in his footsteps: Don't follow him.

Alumni awards
Alumni and Friends

Alumni Awards celebrates exceptional achievements

The College of Science community recently gathered to celebrate this year’s Alumni Award recipients. These alumni distinguished themselves through their groundbreaking research, strong leadership and efforts to enhance equity, access and inclusion.

A headshot of a man in a grey suit with white shirt.
Alumni and Friends

Young Alumni Award recipient aims to cure mitochondrial diseases

The remnants of ancient bacteria live inside each of us as mitochondria, structures in cells that are critical for life. Breakthrough work from Simon Johnson, B.S. biochemistry and biophysics ‘09, and his lab has shed new light on how dysfunction of mitochondria causes human disease. For his great strides towards a cure for mitochondrial diseases within a decade since his last degree, Johnson has received the 2023 Young Alumni Award in the College of Science.

Sunset over Corvallis

Alumni Awards celebrates excellence in the College of Science

On October 24, 2022, the College of Science community gathered to celebrate this year’s Alumni Award recipients. These awards publicly recognize our alumni, friends, and colleagues for their distinguished personal and career achievements, service, and contributions to society that reflect positively on the College of Science and on Oregon State University.

Tari Tan headshot.
Alumni and Friends

Young Alumni Award: Excellence in neuroscience education

One question changed the course of Tari Tan’s (Biochemistry & Biophysics, ‘08) professional career.

Andres Cardenas standing in front of a white backdrop.
Alumni and Friends

Rising environmental health scientist receives Young Alumni Award

Andres Cardenas (B.S. 10), a trailblazer in devising epidemiological and molecular approaches to understand how environmental exposures affect disease, has received the 2020 Young Alumni Award from the College of Science.

Katherine Ganio smiling
Alumni and Friends

Meet a Science Grad: Katherine Ganio

Meet Katherine Ganio, 2009 biochemistry & biophysics alumna and research fellow at the University of Melbourne.

Tari Tan smiling in front of a window
Alumni and Friends

Meet a Science Grad: Tari Tan

Meet Tari Tan, biochemistry and biophysics alumna and currently the Director of Educational Programming for Neurobiology and the Ph.D. program in Neuroscience at Harvard Medical School.

Headshot of Cardenas in front of a white background.
Alumni and Friends

OSU alum awarded for studies in children's health

Andres Cardenas (10', '15) has received funding to spend the next five years studying the impacts of prenatal and early childhood environmental stressors on children’s health and development.

Zack Bango smiling in front of a white background, wearing a CORE shirt
Alumni and Friends

From Botswana to Los Angeles, OSU biochemistry alum now on the front lines of COVID-19

Since graduating from OSU with a degree in biochemistry & biophysics, Bango has been in the Peace Corps, worked in a malaria research laboratory in Botswana and is now working on the front lines of COVID-19 testing and treatment in Los Angeles County, California.